Appendix in Pregnancy
● NO IV contrast
2. AXIAL T1 IN/OUT PHASE – entire pelvis
3. AXIAL T2 HASTE – entire abdomen & pelvis
4. CORONAL T2 HASTE – lower abdomen and pelvis
5. AXIAL DIFFUSION – b values of 50, 400, 800
6. STATIC UROGRAM – include kidney to bladder
● MD check to identify appendix or at least area of cecum (should include above and below cecum because appendix can be long and go in any direction)
7. AXIAL T2 FS – large FOV through cecum
8. AXIAL T2 FS – small FOV through cecum
9. CORONAL T2 FS – small FOV through cecum
AXIAL T2 HASTE FS (through appendix/cecum)
CORONAL T2 HASTE FS (through appendix/cecum)