Common Histories / Key Words: Hamstring Injury, Stress Fracture, Infection, Mass, Pain

ROUTINE - Place marker over area of interest when applicable.

■   Cor T1, T2 FS (STIR may be substituted for T2 FS if necessary)
■   Sag T1, T2 FS (STIR may be substituted for T2 FS if necessary)
■   Ax T1, T2 FS 


​Place marker over area of interest when applicable. Choose coronal or sagittal plane based on area of interest (whichever is perpendicular to area in question)

     ■   Cor OR Sag T1
     ■   Cor OR Sag T2 FS (STIR may be substituted for T2 FS if necessary)
     ■   Ax T1, T2 FS (If there is a MASS - add an Axial T1 FS)

     ■   Cor T1 FS, Sag T1 FS, Ax T1 FS

Routine Femur - Tib-Fib : Sheet1